Discovery Foundation and WCT BC are happy to announce Speed Mentoring: Stop the Negative Self-Talk and Level Up Your Career

We've all been there. Whether we're preparing for an interview, a big presentation or a performance review and we notice there's a bully in the room.

Someone who talks down to us.

Who tells us we're not good enough.

That we don't deserve to land that job or do well in that meeting. And that someone, is ourselves.

If you have ever wondered what your life could look like without your own limiting beliefs and inner bully getting in the way, our next WCTBC and Discovery Foundation Speed Mentoring event is just for you.

Join us and our talented team of mentors to discover how you can finally put your negative self-talk to rest and level up your career! Click here to register.

Snacks and light refreshments included.

Please note: we have a limited number of sponsored tickets set aside for anyone for whom funds are an issue. If you would like to learn more, please email

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Christina Schroeder