New Ventures BC introduces the Discovery Foundation Sales Acceleration Program! Applications close April 15, 2021.

The Discovery Foundation and New Ventures BC are looking for a group of committed and coachable tech startups who want to focus on sales and building a scalable revenue model. 

This complimentary sales acceleration program is for qualified companies offering one-to-one mentoring with an Executive-in-Residence. It’s ideal for in-revenue start-ups with a product in market.

This program runs from May 2021 to September 2021.

Applications open until April 15, 2021. Apply here.

Program Overview

Part 1: Education

New Ventures BC will deliver a series of webinars on sales process and digital marketing for sales to teach best practices and effective methods.

Sales 101
Sales Metrics
Hiring for sales
Digital Marketing for Sales (6-part series)

All topics are practically minded and will form a sales toolkit you can refer to.

Part 2: 1-to-1 Sales Advisory

Each company will meet with the NVBC sales advisory team regularly over phone and/or video. Meeting agendas will be determined in advance, based on individual company need. 

The objective of these meetings will be to give advisory, but also to teach you how to think analytically about revenue and forecasting as well as using and analyzing digital tools to monitor and increase sales.

Possible metrics to review and discuss at each meeting may include:
: Don’t worry if you don’t currently track these metrics, or you don’t know what some of these mean. That’s what this program is for!

  • Revenue, and transaction targets by quarter (for at least the next 12 months, preferably longer).

  • Revenue, and transaction forecast for current quarter

  • Projected Achievement against plan based on Forecast

  • Actual achievement against plan for previous quarter and YTD

  • Growth over previous quarter

  • Average sales cycle (days)

  • Average deal value

  • Current conversion ratio (closing rate %)

  • Churn (for subscription models)

  • Total pipeline for current quarter and following quarter

  • Any large “elephant” deals in current quarter or next quarter

Part 3: Cohort Learning

In addition to 1-on-1 advisory, we’ll introduce some virtual group learning and networking opportunities. This will include:

  • Kick off meeting with our entire cohort of companies to network and meet the acceleration team.

  • Small group meetings with EiR and companies throughout the program

  • Closing meeting with entire cohort

Ideal Program Outcomes:

  • Learn a disciplined sales approach that you can apply consistently to this company and beyond

  • Accelerated growth. Improve your marketing approach, build your sales pipeline, close more sales, increase revenues, and build an achievable plan for the future.

Who’s Eligible?

  • BC-based, early-stage tech company, with a product in the market

  • Have at least one person working on the venture full-time

  • Has paying customers (ideal: 8-10) and are generating revenue ($50K – $1.5M ARR and/or $7500 MRR) *You may still be considered if you are close to, but not at these numbers

  • Have some leads and/or prospects you would like advisory on

  • Can commit to attending education and advisory sessions. NVBC recommends the CEO attend all meetings. Additional members of the company (ie. VP Sales) may also attend.

Application Process

  • Complete the online application form

  • NVBC will follow-up with eligible companies to attend a 25-minute intake session

Jason Robertson